Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Distraught prank call victim blasts “shocking” BBC and “cruel sickos” Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross.

As anger mounts over the antics of Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, Georgina Baillie steps forward to publicly condemn the pair and the BBC for their actions.

Andrew Sachs, beloved star of the classic British comedy Fawlty Towers, was to be interviewed by churlish fad Russell Brand for the latter's radio show. But when they could only get hold of his answering machine, Brand and guest boor Jonathan Ross responded by making a series of lewd phone calls to the 78-year-old veteran actor impugning the sexual conduct of his granddaughter and suggesting his suicide.

They called Sachs again to apologise for the original comments, but instead sang a song repeating the allegations.

Responding publically for the first time, the subject of the claims, Sachs' granddaughter Georgina Baillie said that she and her grandfather were “distraught” and “devastated” by the broadcast. Brand had made comments suggesting her grandfather might hang himself, and it is these Georgina identified as the most distressing.

A half-hearted apology from Brand via voicemail had led her to believe that it went out live and she was later “shocked” to find out that the prerecording was transmitted unedited.

Branding the pair “sick” and calling for them to be sacked, Georgina concluded that it is “sad that this is what entertainment has come to on the BBC”.

The interview will appear tommorow morning in London's Sun newspaper.

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